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    Joel Margavage

    Your High Performance Coach

Changing the Lives of Countless Men

Our program has earned the trust of countless individuals from diverse backgrounds and walks of life. These individuals, just like you, embarked on a journey of self-discovery, personal growth, and transformation. They placed their faith in our proven process and experienced profound changes in their emotional well-being, spiritual connection, physical vitality, and financial success.

    Steve G.

    Investor and General Contractor

    Hello, my name is Steve Grubb. I used to be 6'3", 300 pounds, and spent my nights playing video games until 2 a.m. I'd do the bare minimum at work just to get back to my games. Like many addicts, I refused to admit I had a problem. I wasn't stealing or hurting anyone—except myself. I often complained about how I could run the world better if only I were rich, always waiting for "when." What I needed was action. I pride myself on honesty and not just agreeing to please others. I needed someone to give me that honesty in return, not just be an agreeable friend. Real friends say "no" to you. Fortunately, I was already friends with Joel Margavage. He had just turned his life around thanks to Wake Up Warrior. Joel woke up my spirit and can wake up yours too. The knowledge to change has always been available and free, yet most of us never use it. My advice is to invest in yourself. Every day, we invest in other businesses through our purchases. You are worth the investment and can change your life too. Today, I am Steve Grubb, 6'3", 250 pounds, with my first child and three successful businesses. Put some INVICTUS into your REX!

    Tony Z.

    Agency Owner and Developer

    Hello, my name is Anthony, and I'd like to share my experience of meeting Joel. Five years ago, we met at a local restaurant while he was on vacation. We chatted, exchanged numbers, and stayed in touch. I often sought his advice about my business and goals. As we spoke more, I grew comfortable with Joel, which was unusual for me due to my trust issues. Joel was living the life I wanted, with success and happiness. Eventually, I decided to break free from my limitations and pursue my goals. This marked a turning point in my life. I shifted from a negative mindset, believing my life couldn't improve, to a positive one, understanding that I could achieve anything with effort. Joel taught me to focus on what truly mattered, set priorities, and take control of my emotions. He also helped me manage my stress by tackling one problem and one goal at a time. Physically, he guided me to establish a routine that kept me motivated and in shape, both mentally and physically. In business, Joel showed me how to stay organized, prioritize, and keep learning. My skills and confidence grew tremendously, and I became better at communication and connecting with clients. Spiritually, Joel taught me to stay open-minded, surround myself with positive people, and maintain important relationships. He emphasized the importance of balancing all aspects of my life—spiritual, mental, physical, and professional. Joel's guidance transformed my life, helping me wake up happy and achieve my goals. I wouldn't have reached this point without his support and wisdom.

High Performance Coaching for Men


[email protected]

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